Orgasm: The World’s Favorite O-Word

What do you know about orgasms?

Do you know there are more than 1 pattern of orgasm? Do you know that on average a male orgasm lasts approximately 10 to 30 seconds while a female orgasm lasts about 13 to 51 seconds? Do you know that orgasm is defined as “a rhythmic pattern of pelvic floor movements that occur during climax”?  Do you know what all of these facts about orgasms have in common? The pelvic floor muscles!!

Now a little anatomy: The urogenital diaphragm aka urogenital triangle are the most superficial muscles of the pelvic floor, comprised of the bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal and external anal sphincter. These are the most important muscles during arousal and orgasm. The clitoris is located above the urethra at the intersection of the labia minora and extends vaginally to a point behind the pubic bone. The clitoris comes from the same cells that form the penis in a male.

The G-spot is typically described as being located 2-3 inches inside the anterior vaginal canal near the intersection of the urethra and bladder and is thought to be originated from the same cells as the male prostate. However, it’s important to clarify that the G spot isn’t actually a distinct part of your anatomy. In fact, in a 2017 study, researchers attempted to find the G spot only to come up empty-handed. Instead of being its own separate spot in your vagina, the G spot may be part of your clitoral network. This means that when you’re stimulating the G spot, you’re actually stimulating part of the clitoris, which is much larger than most people know. Turns out, the pea-sized nub where the inner labia meet is actually only the tip of the clitoris and divides into two “roots” that can be about four inches long (more on that in future posts on sexual health). Also, the majority of women report that they need clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm (70-80%), however this is totally variable from person to person. Research tells us only 18% of respondents said vaginal penetration alone was sufficient for orgasm.

Because the superficial pelvic floor muscles are integral to achieving an orgasm, it is important that are functioning well. For optimal function all muscles need not just strength but good muscle length and coordination. So we need good healthy, coordinated and strong Pelvic Floor muscles not just for core stability, urinary and bowel function, pregnancy and postpartum function but also for powerful orgasms! Need help, want more great info or have questions reach me @pelvicforward, pelvicforward on FB, or check out my YouTube channel.

Amanda Hayes FugateComment